Everybody in today's world wants to live a stress-free life. But unfortunately, in the race to live a comfortable life and to keep our career abreast, one thing that we miss the most in life is our peace of mind. Stress is not something which is exclusive to adult life. Kids and the elderly too may go through stressful situations under certain circumstances.

Impact of Stress:

Life is like a rollercoaster ride, full of emotional ups and downs and naturally, stress is a part of it. But prolonged and frequent episodes of stress can leave a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Here are a few adverse effects of leading a stressful life-

  • High risk of depression and anxiety
  • Aggressive behaviour/ Uncontrolled Anger
  • Hampers decision making skills
  • Frustration
  • Headaches, nausea, palpitations etc.
  • Negative impact on relationships

Out of all the above-mentioned signs of stress, anger has been found to be a common symptom in most of the cases. Anger can be as destructive as a wildfire and should be tamed before it goes out of control.

Stress and Anger Management

Stress and anger, if managed in the initial stage itself, can save you from serious consequences. Hence, it is important to incorporate stress and anger management techniques from the very moment you begin to feel tensed in life.

What works best?

Healthy stress coping techniques like journaling, reading, listening to music, engaging in a physical activity, meditation, yoga etc. can be practiced before the symptoms get worse. But, if you see things getting out of your control, here is something that works best for you. 

Talk Therapy

Isn't it true that our sorrows reduce when we share it with someone? We always need someone to talk to when we feel low because loneliness can add fuel to stress, anger and other mental disorders. But then, whom shall you choose as your emotional support?

Someone who listens to each word you say with utmost patience.

Someone who isn't judgemental.

Someone who is understanding and friendly.

Someone who is not just a listener but also a great advisor.

Someone whom you can trust. 

If you don't have someone who meets the above-mentioned traits in your family or friend circle, you can always rely on the compassionate team of counsellors at Consolace Counselling Services. Whatever be the reason for your stress, our expert counsellors are efficient enough to come up with the best working solution to relieve it. Considering the nature of your needs, both male and female counsellors can be approached to resolve your mental issues. Also, online counselling is available for those who are unable to come in-person due to various reasons. 

Online platforms like whatsapp, skype, zoom etc can be utilised to manage your counselling sessions. Get in touch with our team of expert counsellors who are forever ready to help you with your counselling needs. Book your appointments now!



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