Counselling Centre in Trivandrum

Consolace Counselling Services is located at the heart of TRIVANDRUM. The very moment when you realise that your mind is no more in your control and 'You can't do it alone', you need a professional counsellor to help you out. There may be relationship issues, work related stress, unwanted tensions, frustration due to unemployment, fear of failure etc which is common to everybody's life. We know that timely intervention and support is key for making the difference to your mood, happy state and well-being.

We, at Consolace Counselling Services offers wide range of services suitable for Individual, family, child and Adolescents. All our therapy sessions tackle various mental and behavioural issues such as - depression, anxiety, stress management, anger management, mood swings in children, work and career issues. We have expert counsellors who provides right mediation in parenting issues, relationship and provide right guidance to tackle sexual issues.

A professional Counsellor can put your various issues in perspective, and can give you the guidelines that will help you pull out of the root. You will see your problems as they really are and you will see the solutions unfolding before you. Our team of trained and compassionate experts, through their valuable knowledge and life experiences provide solutions to your life problems.TRIVANDRUM being the capital city of Kerala, is a home to a wide range of people hailing from in and out of the state. This ever-growing city offers a wide range of career opportunities to a great section of people. However, life in a city can sometimes become more demanding that may lead to mental chaos. Counselling centres in Trivandrum can be approached for timely guidance and support.


Our Location

Consolace Counselling Services
Kripa, 1st floor, PRA
G Lane-50C, Rainbow Road 
Parottukonam, Nalanchira P.O
Trivandrum, India
Phone – 91 9388 183 153

Our Services


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