Are you failing as a parent?

Being a parent is the biggest blessing and at the same time a tremendously difficult task. Raising a kid isn't that easy as it seems like. As far as parents are concerned, parenting is a complete learning process where many a time, they fail without even knowing where they went wrong. If you are someone who will be soon stepping into the role of a parent or already are a parent, here is what you need to know about parenting issues and the ways to deal with them. 

Common Parenting Mistakes:

No matter how carefully parents raise their kids, they somehow make mistakes. Here are a few common mistakes that parents make while parenting. 

  • Imposing one's own goals on their kids
  • Fighting their kids battles
  • Lack of quality time with kids
  • Letting technology take over children
  • Over/Underestimating the behavioural changes.
  • Lack of effective communication
  • Helicopter parenting
  • Quarrelling in front of kids

Good Parenting Tips

Everyone steps into parenthood with a wish to feel fulfilled as a parent. But, not everyone succeeds in doing so. Read on to find some positive parenting tips to enhance your parenting skills.

Walk the talk: Show your kids that you follow what you preach.

Give them your love and time: Don't just tell your kids that you love them but, show them your love by spending quality time with them.

Give them freedom: Do not be a nagging parent and give your kids the freedom to think and act on their own. Check on them only when necessary.

Talk: Lack of effective communication can ruin the relationship with children.

Pay attention to your own mental well-being: Parents' mental health is directly proportional to the child's development. 

What to do in case the tips won't work?

We can rectify only that which we know is wrong. Suppose, you are not in knowledge of the cause of the problem, you can never be able to find a solution to it. Sometimes, we get too engrossed with our own problems that we fail to see anyone else's struggles. In such a situation, we need someone to look into our issues to solve it for us. The best way to get the right help is to approach a proficient counsellor. Your other mental struggles, when add on to the feeling of being a failure as a parent can prove to be dangerous for both you and your kids' mental health. For that you need immediate counselling help. Don't burden your mind with unwanted stress and anxieties when you can get rid of them in just a single click. Our team at Consolace comprises of male and female counsellors who are expert in their respective areas of work. You can meet our counsellors in person or can also opt an online consultation as per your convenience. 

Get in touch with our team of expert counsellors who are forever ready to help you with your counselling needs. You can make use of our online counselling services via whatsapp, skype, zoom etc.  Book your appointments now!



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