Behavioural Therapy

What is Behaviour Therapy?

Behavior Therapy functions on the idea that all unfavorable behaviors can be changed as behavior is something that is observed and learned from our environment. By means of Applied Behavior Analysis the therapist understands how a behavior is influenced by the environment and how this can be changed if found to be undesired. Thus, in a behavioral therapy, unacceptable or destructive behaviors are eliminated and the desirable behaviors are rewarded.

What to expect from a Behaviour Therapy session?

The therapist would do a detailed psychological assessment to understand your child’s personality, emotions, thought-processes, logical reasoning and the likes. The therapist may use various modes of treatment and impart some training on life-skill, response-prevention technique, behaviour-modelling, relaxation, habit-reversal etc. Each session may last from 30 minutes to an hour.

What are the signs that your child needs Behaviour Therapy?

  • Shows self-destructive behaviour
  • Shows disrespect towards class teachers or other authority figures
  • Frequent lying or stealing
  • Has abnormal sleeping or eating habits
  • Poor academic performance
  • Early sexual activity
  • Threatening to do self-harm or run away from home

How will Behaviour Therapy benefit your child?

  • Therapist will help you and your child identify the triggers of bad behaviour and help him/her to eliminate it.
  • A reward chart will be created and you will be trained to help your child improve positive and desirable behaviours. Therapist will also guide on how to do rule-setting and time-outs.
  • Train parents for effective communication with your child and monitor his/her progress.

Often parents are not comfortable to discuss their children’s problems with another person. But what we need to understand is that, some of these warnings need immediate attention of a Therapist or a Counsellor; if not it might be too late. Our team of Counsellors and Psychologists at Consolace Counselling Center are available on online platforms such as WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom for your convenience. You may book your appointment here without much delay. Remember, for children, early intervention is the best intervention. 


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