
What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy which is also called as talk-therapy, is a way in which therapist can help you control or eliminate trouble-shooting symptoms or improve your well-being. It is a two-way process between the client and the therapist, where you are expected to participate actively during the sessions and in between the sessions.  You might be assigned some exercises or new skills that you may have to practice at home.

How would psychotherapy sessions be like?

A session of Psychotherapy may be scheduled once a week where each session may last from 30 minutes to an hour at a time. Psychotherapy could be short term for less complex problems and more long term for complex issues. You may find yourself, crying, irritated and emotionally charged while talking to the therapist. But you may be expected to talk openly about your problems and this may make you feel mentally and physically exhausted but the therapist will help you get through this phase. These sessions may happen one-on-one, as couples, family or a group depending on the nature of your problem.

Who will benefit from Psychotherapy?

  • Those having an overwhelming feeling of sadness or have suicidal ideations.
  • Those who are unable to fight stress or have an unreasonable fear.
  • Those have trouble focusing on study and work or sticking to a routine.
  • Those people who suffer from any kind of substance abuse.
  • People have trouble dealing with a family member.

How will Psychotherapy help you?

  • Therapist will help you identify your problem and assist you to change your thinking and behaviour patterns. This could bring about learning and practicing new life-skills.
  • The sessions will help you understand the underlying interpersonal problems such as unresolved grief or conflicting relationships.
  • These steps will help you regulate your emotions and improve your communication skills.

If you are undergoing a tough time or know of somebody who may need help, our service can be availed by booking an appointment here. Our team of counsellors/therapists are multi-lingual and comfortable with online platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype and likes for an online/video consultation.




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